Monday, February 28, 2011

Time Capsule Questions

Carnival Lace, "a key? Color Explosion

Apparently the lace back to the runway for spring, we've seen all kinds of designs, like almost every year, is a showpiece that should be part of our wardrobe.
Although careful with the transparency of lace, because with this type of clothing is very fine line between chic and vulgar.
And you, would you urge to lace?

Adenocarcinoma Chemotherapy

Isha: ex-fan forum

testimony regarding THIS BLOG

Orestes Shocking testimony about her daughter Isha psychiatric treatment
post (if the link does not work, search for "Orestes" on page 2 of the comments )

Extending the moving story of Silvia and Paula (3 parts)

Rise of Barbara and friends in the very stronghold of the sect

NOTE: some Blogspot problem causes the two links above do not work, while the fix, search the page 2 of comments these phrases:
" Regarding the words of isha" - Testimony of Paula
" For Paula and all former followers" - Testimony of Barbara

impressive testimony

Mother and daughter spent thousands of dollars for the "master" and were bad psychologically

Key Stories with details of the abuse they inflict Isha & Co to his most advanced (!!!)

Testimony "Barbara 3" sent to C5N

Testimony Testimony
Flavio Flavio sent to C5N,

Flavio Part sent to C5N

Testimony of "Key" (in 3 parts followed)
anonymous 1

Testimony "Lady B" - Part - Part (bottom third)

Testimony of "Rocky" (in 3 parts)

Testimony "Gabriela" (copied from another blog)

Testimony "Eduardo G" (copied from another blog)

Witness the famous "Rocky" which opened the pot (In another part of this blog)

Comments 1-200 200 -

fill orders from Barbara and other former followers to publish this picture I $ has a $ EMINAR ... if the pictures with hat, sunglasses, gloves, coats and black boots still not convinced. This is a time when "... YOUR TYPICAL aggressive gestures and abuse, yelling at an assistant Mega Event February 2011 because he did not like your questioning"

When I mentioned to Isha (aka Jennifer Lee Duprei \u0026lt;/ a>, aka Heather Isobel Judd ) in note "The new gurus rob Krishnamurti" I did not think that this bold Australian would cause such a stir in my blog, in a matter of weeks began to write ex-followers, each more outraged and some really sad stories - more sad because it published some preferred share your pain with me in private.
This sect headed by Isha and Durga (Ana Maria Ialacitrano, artist, member) is leaving a trail of injured persons with mental, emotionally and financially, and when I say cult, I say CULT, because according to testimony presented here, is very difficult to find now a more archetypal in that sense, competing for the championship every inch of the Hare Krishna and other sects hard brainwashing.

insisted on the need to come together in one place to report it, particularly in Facebook , but finally, all forums where pained isolation denounced these people what had happened, ended up being this blog the most active in shout "What the false teachers can do: Isha"

What motivated me to take a special place on this subject is reading a really touching email from someone who prefers to remain anonymous - for fear! - But it made me see the real dimension of what is happening with this.

So, girls and boys who are daring to denounce Isha-Durga & Co., here is a free to express themselves (even the fans still do, because basically this is to rescue them)

The All I ask is who post responsibly. Hugs


Graffiti in Buenos Aires Centro Isha
photo in the center
Isha Palermo, Salguero 1452 between Honduras and El Salvador (Thanks , Gladiator)
already erased.

The two faces of Isha and Durga

All people express their inner side, private right in your face and social face, "to show the world" on the left side. There are other interpretations as "the face of the left and right" etc. The truth is that the false teachers, corrupt politicians, criminals, etc. flaunt this division in his gestures, while the most complete, balanced, with less inequality and in any case they do not express malice.
The left and right face are a meta unconscious and tell the world constantly, "I am well, but show me that." Nirmala Devi
is a genius to express this difference unconsciously. Isha is less terrible, but anyway, here are their 2 faces to global conscious mind know ... processing is their "official photo, it's in your blog (and elsewhere). This case come forward to say that "... in fact there was Photoshop GIMP, and either Linux!)

Notably, in this photo chose the light on the left, further accentuating the effect of "social" hidden "in your face. I guess that after seeing these pictures will change the official photo of the one where his right side is a little more" little saint "... bet??

a little fun watching their own faces in the mirror ...:))

some attention now the second member of this company, it is difficult to find a picture where it is showing its 246 teeth, which hides her expression quite real, but ... here it is. I think that, as in the case of I $ ha, Thompson also shows some well defined in your face real ...
(I know I poison, but more evidence is read, the more my blood goes to your head ... how they survived so long unpunished this group of bloodsuckers??)


Be as successful as Isha!

This video course is fast and free on how to do ...


Flyer proposed shed / distribute in places where Isha-Durga give lectures

(photo by Isha)

Login: Isha - Jennifer Lee Duprei

this woman and her partner Anne Mary Iaracitano, both psychopaths and narcissists extremely dangerous, destructive cult leaders of this. They use mind control method they call "unification", to go and get brain washing training students for 6 months and teachers for their purely profit. There is sufficient evidence of psychological and physical abuse experienced by people who have suffered the theft of their identities, their own volition, material and isolation of their families lived and were exploited as slaves in the cult, having destroyed their lives with suicide attempts .
: Do not be fooled!

The December 19, 2010, in the Megaintensivo, there was the suicide of a Chilean student within the premises of its Center in Costa Azul, Uruguay.

Would the same fate this Chilean girl outside the Center?


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop Advent Calendar 2010

is an accessory that replaces the usual battery , as it is placed under the camera.

The advantages are several. Increases the autonomy of the camera as you can incorporate two batteries at a time, moreover, in the unlikely event that we run out of batteries, they can be replaced by AA batteries (batteries traditional small), very easy to acquire almost anywhere.
also has the advantage that increases the weight of the camera and therefore stability.
Many models also have the possibility of shooting controls in the same grip. This has the advantage that in case of making shots, it gives us the position of the socket.

Its main drawback is the price, but we can find handles cheaper than buying original brands on the Internet, yes, always ensuring that they comply with our camera, because as always, each brand and model has its own reserve.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vacation With Infants

home to the space Video Silk Effect

This video shows a curious and interesting way to take video from the air in a home, and who says photos video says, because the main problem, which the camera back, is solved and olo We will put a camera with a lapse or have a remote control (the signal to reach another thing).
The creators of this iPhone 4 released a video on his wits and flying him back thanks to a GPS. I would not do that or crazy, if I do one day put a camera on the cheap and amarraré with a thread so that it is not blowing away.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Replacement For Revlon Skinlights


No doubt this summer will be the summer, vivid colors. Reign orange, fuchsia and sky blue and as co-stars, the neon, which will also gain popularity.
bold and create your tota l look with one of these colors because this summer the tonal differences are the key!

How To Change Struts Jeep Liberty

This morning rains in the city of La Plata. dealt with some issues at the center and now back on track for I found a painting in chapadur box, 50 x 70. It is aimed at anyone in particular, as stated in the registration pencil behind. called Maja Side. Looks like someone decided that there was sufficient in the paint and pestles and decided to bring it into the trash. Because they found, lying against a dump, outside, wet.
I waited a while standing there, accompanying the poor nice, but no owner showed up and decided I had to adopt it. Who leaves a box, however bad it may seem-over-dedicated, in these conditions? However bad memories bring you, nothing justifies it. Even if it detracts from the artist. So I brought him home. I do not know why, but at least now has a roof and shelter.

way back in the thought that something so compelling about a story. So I think what kind of story would write my friends. Daniel Flores

would secure the side of the cursed object. One who finds the picture suffer a dissipation of its body to become oil, part of the painting. Ramiro
would Sanchiz painting as an object that hides an unfathomable enigma. Surely it would have any clue at Frederick Stahl ucronia should include essential to know (and behind it were perhaps the always enigmatic AMRITA)
describe Paul Dobrynin thereby painting so precious in that words are strokes, finally revealing a sordid and perverse, incest or a terrible end erotic fantasy. John Terranova
would use the table as an excuse for two friends talk about all that talk about their characters. Surely the painting would remain in the background, but would trigger anecdotes would not issue a sociopolitical edge or sexual unexplored. Liliana
Colanzi find the colors in that kind of Bildungsroman that is building with his stories. It might be another story Analía, in which the box would not be central, but just one more element that encourages people to rethink or rebuild in a new direction. Gustavo Nielsen
detest me because it is an artist and what right do I have to assume what they think, but it stuck in the game, you might see in a painting a window into another world, a mirror of ours, a little at a Alicia , but Nielsen style (we all know that when fabulea, improves the original). Andrés Neuman
perhaps focus on the loss of the artist, the elusive luck of the work that goes hand in hand as an offering, which began in his paradise (the time it was painted) and ended up with so infirm destination. Fabio
Morábito could see a couple discussing whether the picture can stay or not in the house. She does not like, but he found it and feel an emotional bond peculiar, inexplicable. Throughout the story, we would understand the subtexts that make the relationships between them and through them with the outside. And somehow end up surprising and subtle.

The question is: what kind of story I write? What I've been thinking for a while. Almost all the ideas that come to mind are obvious. I guess I would include some experience in a novel, as a branch of the main narrative that would be anticlimactic at first and then fundamental from a lyrical point of view.

Yeah, I guess I'll try something. And I think now would be interesting to have a premise and a few writers (such as those mentioned above) each write his story freely. I know it's nothing new, but I want to see how they contrast with each other.
I'd pay for that book.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

8 Blue Foam For Carv Ing


Well guys, it was very difficult to choose the winners, and schemes all the blogs that you have participated have been delighted, but after spend many times for each blog, we had to choose which we resembled the most original Here I leave the results, and many thanks to all for participating blogs

1 º cabinet in Dudda
2 º Look at the Day

to the winners, we will contact you by mail ( to discuss the awards, and here I leave the image of the winner of the contest, put on the side of your blog (if you will, of course) and transfer blog that you seem the most original, and so on.


Curtains To Match Dark Green Carpet

silk effect is a very simple technique which gives results that are very curious and interesting.

involves photographing the waves or the movement of water with a slow, ie exposing hold (remember post )

Being the shutter open for a time high, the movement of water is not frozen, but is printed on all the travel made, leaving the water surface with a smooth, soft ... as silk.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Implantation Fluttering Pains

What to do Light

When we do a photo shoot, is very rare that all photos taken serve, it is normal that more than one (many) do not go as we wanted and eliminate them, nothing more.

Before we can remove them a second chance, it's time to investigate our favorite photo editor and press the button that we dared not touch because they did not know for serving or we changed the picture in a way that after almost did not recognize it, or to investigate the numerous filters and plugins that gift came from a magazine CD we buy.

Sometimes, "fingering" the various filters or plugins, can give very interesting results, although not suitable for an exhibition at the art gallery of our people (perhaps yes, I say to be investigated) may remain the sea of \u200b\u200bonlookers as wallpaper or to embed it in a job.

personally recommend creating
a folder and store it a few photographs of those that we discarded, for "experience" later, when there is time. Usually put those pictures there even though they are poorly exposed, poorly framed or something evil, it appears there can be harnessed to something in the future (textures, an image to complement the blog, desktop background ...)

What Can I Drink With A Toothache


Friday, February 18, 2011

What Should I Put As Subject In Thank You Email