Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Make Lidocaine Hcl

Make 3D photos or grip handle

There are several ways to do and see pictures in 3D, but most need extra resources to be made and / or views, dual cameras lens glasses simultaneously alternating glass opacity of each eye glasses with different color for each eye, special screens, etc. In this post we propose a simple way to do it and no trouble seeing at home anywhere.

Chop to enlarge and wait a little, since the image weighs 2.2 Mb

1. The images that we humans are in 3D, for the simple reason that we have 2 eyes that capture the image and depth. As the 3D photos for our need to do at least 2 photographs of the same object , why ... with a slight angle difference between each picture taken, or what it is, we move a few inches to one side focusing on the same object to be photographed.
2. Once the images taken processed in a photo editor with support for animated gif and convert to a single animated GIF. The playback time again and the image will be like gif creator, I recommend a time Rapu 0.5sg or less, to appreciate good photography.

obviously not a 3D image, but the transition between each image will give us a feeling about a 3D image.


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