If your camera has a maximum resolution They have to use it because, somehow, also have taken us, however, depends on what occasions it is better to reduce its resolution.
Before we distinguish between reducing the quality and reduce the resolution, and they are different things.
When we reduce the quality , we mean that we increase the compressibility of jpg files, so a photo taken with 10 Megapixel quality can have a maximum size of 4 MB, while the same photo taken a 10 Mpx with minimal quality may not reach 1 meg in size. In general, all cameras have an adjustment for this and usually have three levels (low, medium and high).
When we reduce the resolution , we mean that we reduce the size of the picture. For example, reducing a photograph taken at 6 Mpx (3032 x 2008ppp) to 1 Megapixel (1280 x 960ppp), which reduce its weight in megabytes.
And when should reduce the size and / or quality?
As to reduce the quality, I would not do, only do it when I have no choice and I can fit more photos on the card, so I reduce the quality of some pictures that I do not think are very important and I think the erase later.
When it comes to reducing the size is appropriate when we know that this image only going to use it to send over the Internet (mail, web ...) or going to embed, accompanying text, in a paper for class or work, especially if it is a Power Point, and it's useless 10-Megapixel picture on a screen resolution because we always see it is 72dpi, so that, quite apart from occupying the file size, take much longer to load the Power Point.
downsize This is more for convenience and to save us an extra process (in terms of time and convenience) before sending or embed in the document.
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