Death and Life requirement One of the most beautiful images of life ... How can we think we can have peace while allowing them to be killed needlessly? Not only do we pursue the lack of peace, but also the lack of health, both physically and mentally. And now, the Japanese and Danes are all we are charged with such karma with their killing of whales and dolphins .. .
Question and answer you think is worth having your own note ...
galaxy ... I wanted to know your opinion on some questions I have about "being vegetarian." Because as you know the plant is a living being, as is a man or an animal and feel like all living things. What I see is that some arguments of vegetarians fall into contradiction because eg "I am against animal abuse also why the animal feel and suffer." When you eat vegetables they buy at the grocery store, they eat food that is the result of exploitation of a human being is operated as a cow. Or not only that but the apple tree you planted in the back of your house is also exploited as it cuts the natural process and does suffer, because when it comes out the block that kind of white blood (or do not know if it's wise). What I can see is that a vegetarian is more sensitive. While (not know if I'm answering), I believe that the most moral, (do not know whether to say natural, because who knows what is natural) or actually more true when one is able to separate the ego would discover our true needs and try to infer the minimum in nature. Although at the end of the ended exploiting some living inevitably. So it is necessary for survival, now, as we exploit someone, who says he deserves to be less exploited a cow than a tree or a plant?
Another issue I wanted to ask since I saw what you wrote against the victor not what, which supposedly does not eat or drink ... do you think it is possible to live without eating or drinking, and that the body feeds on itself alone? But if, as we know, nature has an order, if the universe has order and things are given for some reason ... we have all the body because otherwise we can not live. And thinking otherwise, as something to be perfected, as Darwin said, discovered the fire and fangs disappear very gradually disappears as the hair, are all very slow changes, I do not think a human can arise by his own power (over that power of thought, we know there is little truth within you) pulls away from the need to eat (which is supremely rooted in every human being). Or it makes me think that we went to a refinement of the mind (as seen in cartoons where the aliens are all in the mind) and everything is part of a process inevitable because of human nature is to discover, question and doubt that surrounds him and by its very nature that has few limits in terms of understanding everything.
Hey, thanks for everything, in terms of the above (if you do not line it does not matter, period), does not matter and I do not need any opinion, every day I understand more than the old.
Mariano, in the first place, is left without answer you something? When messages and posts are piled floor to have problems with the notification system Blogspot.
Tell me what was the previous message.
Well, with respect to plants ... There three key points to understand here:
N or all beings have the same sensitivity. An animal has more sensitivity than a plant, a fungus or a stone (yes, the stones would have sensitivity). An egg does not have the same sensitivity as a chicken. And so on. The human fetus has no nerves until several weeks after gestation. While no neurons, no pain or consciousness as we know, etc. It is simply a set of cells. Plants have a very great sensitivity, but otherwise, we can barely comprehend. To say so, cut a cucumber is not to kill a head of lettuce and take a leaf from a tree is not killing the tree. The plants are more global mind "personal." A plucked from the garden lettuce does more harm to this great "Mind Lettuce a bay leaf taken from her tree. Beings without "I" have his mind was elsewhere. We, prisoners of the illusion, we transfer the "I" to everything else, but not so well. Where does the mind begins Mind Tree and Leaf of the tree? Are things that thought can not understand, but other levels of being.
To live is to kill. Killing is part of our design. Has a bad reputation, but if you kill them, the very life of the Earth would be in danger. Every living being killed, either directly or indirectly. Even the most innocuous plant occupies a space preventing other things the deal ... which will not be kill, but at least prevents another life grow in its place. By the mere fact of its existence, we kill. Kill parasites inside and outside us, and cellular level biological warfare is endless. It is impossible to live without killing is a romance. A strict vegan who does not use leather can board a bus, and the ticket just already paid the death of lots of creatures who died for the extraction of oil or other minerals to make the bus, etc. In every second, countless teeth of a being stuck in another all over the world, across all species.
There is a "categorization" of life that involves spiritual aspects. An intestinal parasite does not have the same status as a person and an ordinary person does not have the same status as other lit. The Buddha once said that there was no more karma than killing an Arhat, and just looks that way after seeing what happened to the Jewish people and their Macanita of executing the Buddha and Christ, which took only 70 years after 2000 years of martyrdom, pogroms and disasters around the world, crowned with the Holocaust during the lifetime of the next Avatar, who apparently reconciled the Jewish mind with the mystery as to the origin of this people, the hand of David Bohm, Armando Clavier and others ... and I'm also sure that this explanation is inadequate, not as linear as you do this, take this "sure there's much more, but worth to illustrate this point. That is not the same run a single Buddha to 100,000 ordinary people, it seems clear. We like to think are so important, so special ... but when we see these historical movements that leaves us away like the wind, with apparent disregard for our lives, paying for "the karma of others", etc ... Hence we begin to suspect how insignificant we are unbearably to the mysterious forces that govern secret to the world. Here we can see also how these forces to death is just another event.
So we should always choose to kill have the least sensitivity, in every way . If we do, we endanger another animal with great sensitivity : ourselves (bue. .. that all humans are "sensitive" is just wishful thinking .. .)
even kill humans may become necessary. Is it horrible what I'm saying? And, yes, but do not know anyone, not one extreme pacifist, that if your baby is in danger of being killed by a madman with a knife, and you're watching the scene armed with a gun do not shoot.
In this case, not to kill the loco to may be punishable by law, and certainly lack any moral weight if it kills, but have all the moral weight if you stop The madman kill the baby.
That Victor Truviano history has something to do with it. Today that boy is in a state of delusional and / or con (hopefully it heals soon) but either way it is likely that before to be thus been through vegan version that is not killing at all, coming first to frugivorousness (fruits suffer pain than the leaves, roots and stems ...) and then to the dangerous notion of "living prana. "
I say dangerous because there are deaths in that history. It's a hook for anorexics and desperately ill.
the future of human beings as well as ET visitors we have from time immemorial, we can only know one thing: be and are unimaginable.
At what point will we stop eating to go to some other kind of energy production, do not know. Now we know that life asks us to treat Nature and loved with utmost love and care, and that includes keeping your farm, birds, bees, etc.
K reached the point of justifying the Eskimos, saying they have nothing to eat at these latitudes, which I personally opened my eyes tremendously. But it is. We can justify the need, not cruelty.
While Nature suffer needlessly for our cause, even in the least, we can not be happy, it's that short. All we can do for nature is perceived and to establish a deep communication with her, and that communication includes being able to eat from his hand lovingly. and advance science as quickly as possible so that our livelihood depends increasingly slaughter of wildlife. Personally, I think at the end of the horizontal expansion and the beginning of the vertical space through towering skyscrapers organic food producers while amazing green houses for us, leaving the surface of the Earth to its owner as always, Nature and children.
... h acia here we go.