A shirt with the face of Stalin
birthday John Terranova.
is a rare type, Newfoundland. His legend precedes him (as all the villains in literature and film). It was the first interview published in Another Heaven. A good showing input bias then joined a certain (understandable) fed up to see the length of the proposed questionnaire. I was given the choice between 5 or 6 stories for publication in the magazine. Recall that then Another Heaven had never left.
Later, I learned that football team shared. And it was not Boca or River, we are both from Ferro (although he is an intellectual who goes to court, I neither). For a while, every now and came across some mail without much substance. Meanwhile, environmental people are not spared the odd anecdote and painted to Newfoundland a bastard of the first line (something that the party must have so much fun involved.) Then came his
Journal Alcalá. The publisher sent him it will outline in Leedor.com and soon received an email from Newfoundland. I had read the review (it will have sent the editorial, I guess) and I sincerely appreciated. I said a Bolivian editorial, The Crow, he was publishing a book of short stories and had a few copies for "friends" and invited me for coffee, meet, and give me Music for Rhinos.
That afternoon in the cafe, Newfoundland was friendly, interested in some opinions that were crossing and especially in a literary project that I was (which to this day at his desk waiting to be read). I liked him to rescue local authors that the intelligentsia generally revile (if Stephen King "in its golden age"), nor had the need to walk so many writers have demonstrated that they know absolutely everything.
Over time, we have shared other coffees, a casual barbecue, I have spent some few books, I did an interview for 25 questions and even gave me a book with the work of art / architecture from his father. I met his wife (which will be a few theater) and daughter (who does not owe anything to my knowledge).
Is Newfoundland Newfoundland it appears in the media, which is so insulting and revered? Obviously yes and no. But was such Fogwill whoring scumbag always appearing who interview him (and without missing a chance to say to the four winds that Alan Pauls was horrible)?
is curious that a guy like that just was born on the Day of the Innocents. Newfoundland lives in the great joke to play to be an extreme version of itself. One can fall awkwardly or see a little further and meet the person.
Finally, after all, who turns 35 today, we honor him with a shirt with the face of Stalin from here. I do not know if for the 36 I have not bitched up and down, so take advantage now. Meanwhile, Music for rhinos, Hiroshima, Soviet Friends, Diario de Alcalá ... perhaps reading these four books is known about the true Newfoundland seeing it live. Or say this is an easy solution, but the books are worth it: you can say without doubt that you can like it or not, but no one writes like him in the local literature.
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