Thursday, December 17, 2009

Best Design For6x6 Tin Foil Boat

a year ago, a dear friend of mine regularly sends what he calls "pills" of Ramana. I have read in silence this time, but today came something else, as a result of a message to the friend added.

In the sig. sentence is an apparent contradiction
I'm just no one is mine, I am not anyone else, I do not see anyone of whom I mean, anyone that is mine is the ego
kien is separate and distinct from the other , the self (in the words of Ramana)
is one, universal and inclusive
If you are interested in these pills Ramana, let me know to stop sending greetings
, jaime

November 18 , 1936

287. D.: is said in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita: "Make the Self with a pure intellect and also by service to the Guru and the inquiry." How are they reconciled?

M.: Gururatmeti-Iswara Iswara , Guru and Self are identical. While the sense of duality persists, you seek a Guru considering that he is aloof. However, he teaches the truth and you have understanding.

D.: Please explain this: ahameko name kaschit kasyachit nahamanyasya pasyami naham yasyaham tam na pasyami yo mama (I'm just no one is mine, I am not anyone else, I do not see anyone of whom I mean, anyone that is mine).

M.: This sloka appears in different scripts in different sacred books, for example, the Bhagavata the Maha Bharata, etc. It is also the theme of Chapter XI of the Self-Realization .

Aham - 'I' is just one. Egos are different. Yes they are in the same One. The Self is not affected by the egos. "I" is one. "I" is the Truth . Everything that follows is intended to refute the sense of duality.

These pills are interesting to me how many people who read Ramana, not themselves (it'll be frank)

The problem is that ultimately says nothing ... What good is to you, really, in everyday life, in your light, to know that ... "
Iswara, Guru and Self are identical "And on the other hand ... " Egos are different "and ultimately are different and not different, too:" They are in the Self Single "... ?

As you say, there are lots of contradictions in Ramana ... very fun to read and delight with findings from the thought, but do not think anyone can be illuminated, have a real glimpse, a flash timeless, through words that encourage thought, not appeased.

You get understanding" is the height of folly, to my point of view ... when one understands, I just no, no you, there is nothing. But this does not mean it as a nice play on words ... happened to me.

If one gets something, it has not achieved anything, it is impossible for anyone to get something in this way, because it is seen very clearly that precisely no one, much less any no attainment that someone.

Bue! Now I look like Ramana, but I see it. There

states in this compound martial mind-body where it became clear that no one who receives ... this is radically different from "I saw that there is nothing", or "I got an understanding of nothing" ... nĂ¡ to do ... haha (just the title of the note on my blog where I try to talk about that experience )

" The observer is the observed" is, according to K itself, the essence of his teaching.

And this is because - in an absolutely incomprehensible for thought - no comment, but NO ONE OR NOTHING TO OBSERVE. As I said in that letter, "a verb without a subject"

But this, Jaime, are just other nice words for you until, through the means of the observation itself, a work that can be very hard One day a flash occurs, possibly the greatest possible miracle.

Unfortunately, that state of consciousness (which is not that, but to understand) is not set in me. I went for the first time in 2007, and then again recently, and although "I left" (the words are not enough ...) deep understandings, indelible, my mind has gone wandering, lost in the incessant thoughts ... but I understand that these flashes of insight will be accentuated over the years and lives, and that's true spiritual path, do not run chewing the big words, tangled, confused and overwhelmed with these gurus. Well

...!!!! I have spoken to the heart, really ... You know what I walked past the 20 years since we met. Hugs


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